Eye Lid Lift Patient #5




This is a 56 year-old man from Chicago who presented to Dr. Sweis concerned about the appearance of his eyes and the difficulty in seeing well when looking upward. He was particularly bothered by the skin folds of the upper lids and the puffiness of the lower lids. Upon physical examination, he had excess skin of the upper eyelids and protrusion of the fat pads along the upper and lower lids. He was evaluated by an ophthalmologist and found to have a decrease in his visual field due to excess skin of the upper eyelids. Dr. Sweis and the patient decided to proceed with upper and lower Eye Lid Lift procedures. For the lower lids, the incision was made inside the lower lid to reposition some of the lower lid fat along the tear trough. A minimal amount of fat was removed from the three lower lid fat pads.
The excess skin of the lower eyelid was removed through a separate skin incision just underneath the lash line. This approach did not interrupt the lower lid muscle and released the structures (capsulopalpebral fascia) that could potentially pull the lid down, thereby minimizing the potential for changing the shape of the eyes. The postoperative photos are 6 months following upper and lower Eye Lid Lift.